Our Sandhurst lake map below, includes the most relevant videos and articles listed about Sandhurst lake which can be useful at a Carp Match such the Challenge Championship!

Sandhurst Lake is the youngest lake at Yateley Complex, well-regarded day-ticket venue with about 400 carp being present, and the average is around high doubles to low twenties. Thirties and forties are also resident, very few day ticket waters give you the chance of a 40lb + carp but the Sandhurst venue record currently stands at 49lb 8oz with at least 17 other fish breaking the magical 40 barrier at the right time of year.

14 acres in size and it is relatively a shallow water with depths average 5ft and run between 2ft and 10ft, there are plenty of features to find so make sure to get your marker rods ready 😉

About the lake map

Sandhurst lake map is interactive and by clicking on the hotspots you can see a list of videos and relevant info about the most recent catches on that very peg.

This lake map already has been sectioned for the Challenge Championship (Singles Event) so you know what to expect if you will ever participate!

Sandhurst Lake Map

Hotspot 1 here…


Hotspot 2 here…

